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19/12/2011 - Italy - Florence welcomes the Rector Major

(ANS – Florence) – The Salesian House Chronicle in Florence has recorded the memory of a special day: the visit of the Rector Major on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on the occasion of the centenary of the founding of the Holy Family parish and the 130th anniversary of the arrival of the Salesians in the city.

The welcome and early part of the day recalled the arrival of Don Bosco in Florence. The Rector Major, having arrived in Alberti Square went to the neighbouring Salesian parish in a carriage as Don Bosco had done. Here Fr Chávez greeted those present and the youngsters from the Oratory put on a performance recalling the start of the presence of the Salesians in the city. The Rector Major was accompanied by Fr Alberto Lorenzelli, Provincial of Central Italy, Fr Adriano Moro the parish–priest and Fr Roberto Colameo the Rector.

Present at the Mass were the civil authorities of the city and of the Province, Salesians and Salesian Sisters including Sr. Celestina Corna, the Provincial and many parishioners and youngsters from the Oratory. The Rector Major, pointing to Mary as their  model, invited everyone to welcome Jesus into their lives remembering that God “does not take anything away from us but rather throws light on all that is true, beautiful, good and noble present in man”. He also exhorted them not to see the Church as a traffic light that is always red, but as constantly saying Yes! Yes! to Christ, its greatest joy. Yes! To life , to true life!”

Then in the courtyard there was the Marian Circle which recalls the beginning of the Salesian Oratory, and then in the theatre, a meeting at which the 130 years of the history of the Salesian house were re-evoked, and the Rector Major answered some questions put to him by the young people, who appreciated his fatherly heart, his great ability to understand the hearts of the young and their problems and to open up fresh horizons that made sense.

The educative pastoral community had lunch with the Rector Major, who before leaving met the Salesians and invited them again to follow Christ with Don Bosco, keeping the Constitutions and loving the young.

Following the desire of Don Bosco, the Salesian centre in Florence is engaged in the Christian education of the young through the activities of the parish, the oratory, the youth centre, the school, the university hostel, the “S” community hall and the Sales sports association.

In the course of the day Fr Colameo pointed out: “The educational mission we have received from Don Bosco and which with humility we have tried to carry out in all these years, is the gift which the Lord has made to the Church of Florence  and to the whole city. The mission of the Salesians is: to be among the citizens, with the young so that they can build the future.”

Published 19/12/2011

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