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6/12/2011 - Haiti - Archbishop Kébreau receives the “Notre Dame” Prize for his service to the community
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(ANS – Cap Haïtien) – Archbishop Louis Kébreau SDB of  Cap Haïtien has been selected by the Catholic University of “Notre-Dame” in the United States as the recipient of the Prize for services to the citizens of Latin America. The award ceremony will take place on next Thursday, 8 December, in Cap Haïtien.

Awarded each year since 2000 by the Catholic University in the United States, the “Notre Dame” Prize is in recognition of the efforts of those  who are working in the Region in strengthening democracy and for improvement in the welfare of the citizens.

“Throughout his career, Archbishop Kébreau has advocated for the poor and dedicated himself to promoting opportunities for Haitian children to have access to quality education.” -Fr John I. Jenkins, SCC, President of the University of Notre Dame declared. “In the wake of the 2010 earthquake, he has been instrumental in helping Haitians rebuild damaged churches and schools while ministering to their physical and spiritual needs. He is richly deserving of the Notre Dame Prize for Distinguished Public Service in Latin America”.

Under the leadership of Archbishop Kébreau, who since 2005 has been President of the Bishops’ Conference of Haiti, the local Church has acted with impressive zeal since the earthquake, uniting behind a “one Church response” for rebuilding and recovery. He also he helped create and now oversees the Programme  for the Reconstruction of the Church in Haiti (PROCHE), which is responsible for the coordination, construction quality and transparency of Church rebuilding efforts in Haiti.

“Archbishop. Kébreau has been an advocate for the homeless, the needy and the less fortunate; he is not afraid to take a stand for justice nor is he afraid to confront the evils of Haiti with a holy anger,” says Caleb E. Lucien, president of Hosean International Ministries and past president of the Pignon Rotary Club.

The Notre Dame Prize for Distinguished Public Service in Latin America is administered by the Kellogg Institute for International Studies at Notre Dame with funding from The Coca-Cola Foundation. The award carries a $15,000 cash prize, with a matching amount donated to a charitable organization recommended by the laureate. Upon the recommendation of Msgr. Kébreau, the matching prize will be donated to the educational efforts of Action et Solidarité contre la Pauvreté (Action and Solidarity against Poverty, or ASAP).

Published 06/12/2011 

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