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1/12/2011 - RMG - World AIDS Day
Photo for the article -RMG – WORLD AIDS DAY

(ANS – Rome) – Today, 1 December is kept World AIDS Day. The invitation from the United Nations this year is that of concentrating all efforts “to arrive at Zero”. Zero new infections of HIV, Zero discriminations and Zero AIDS related deaths. The Salesians in their commitment to youth carry out varied educational projects, including those against AIDS.

According to various statistics from international agencies 34 million people in the world are living with AIDS. Of these over 22 millions are in sub-saharian Africa.

The Salesian are convinced that most efforts should be put into prevention especially among the younger ones The NGO of the Salesian Missions in 2001 launched two programmes, “Life Choices” and “LoveMatters” aimed at reducing HIV infection among the young  in such countries as Kenya, South Africa and Tanzania – where a million children have AIDS. Through courses and discussions the young people learn what the illness is, how to prevent it, what the dangerous behaviours are... and they learn to live a responsible and safe sexual life. The aim is to ensure that every year thousands of young people are saved from infection.

“For the first time in my life I have been able to ask what I wanted and to get an answer” said a young person taking part in the “LoveMatters” programme in Johannesburg (South Africa). In a mutually trusting atmosphere the young people can express their worries about AIDS and sexuality. The programme also sets out to  build self-esteem and trust in the young and to give them the tools to be able to say no to dangerous behaviour  and to learn that love can be expressed in many ways other than sex.

In many countries where the Salesians are present educational schemes are promoted to prevent sickness and provide information and education on the subject, with the purpose of providing a better future for the young.

Published 01/12/2011

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