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23/11/2011 - Israel - “Dies Academicus” at the Studium Theologicum Salesianum
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(ANS – Jerusalem) – On Thursday 17 November, the “Saints Peter and Paul Studium Theologicum Salesianum” (STS) celebrated “Dies Academicus”. The traditional event was particulary significant this year as it marked the inauguration of the Centre as the English language section in Jerusalem of the Faculty of Theology of the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS) in Rome.

In attendance were the Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Antonio Franco, the Auxiliary Bishop of Israel Archbishop Marcuzzo, the Archbishop Srei of the Greek Catholic Church and the Custos of the Holy Land Fr. Pierbattista Pizzaballa. Representatives of the UPS included the Dean Emeritus of the UPS Theology Faculty Giorgio Zevini, current Rector of the UPS Fr. Carlo Nanni. The Provincial of MOR Maurizio Spreafico was also present. Finally, the most honoured guest, Archbishop Savio Hon Tai Fai who gave the Lectio Magistralis: “Theology, Wisdom and Evangelization.”

At the centre of the Archbishop’s Lectio Magistralis: “Theology, Wisdom and Evangelization,” was the importance of friendship with Jesus. “Christ is the Wisdom of God,” the archbishop said, “but then as a friend, Jesus calls His followers to share His mission of evangelization.”

Archbishop Savio illustrated what he meant concretely in the life of Cardinal Celso Constantini. At different times he was appointed Pontifical delegate in China, and was the Secretary of Propaganda Fide. In his missionary work, Constantini sought to remove any negative stigma of Christianity as a foreign European religion in China. One way he tried to achieve this was in his book “Dry Leaves.” Archbishop Savio summarizes this book in five “F’s” – Formation of the Local Clergy; Fostering Religious Arts, Constanti was himself a fine artist who designed his architectural structures according to Chinese patterns; Founding Good Works, in particular, helping those wounded physically and spiritually in the early 20th century Chinese conflicts; Friendship with All, Constanti took a lead from Matteo Ricci in this regard; and faith in God.

Summing up in a single phrase, Archbishop Hon Tai-Fai said: “Evangelization is like weaving a soft yellow carpet with one’s own life upon which people can walk towards the immortal perfect splendour of Christ.”

Following the talks, there was a magnificent organ recital  by Tatyana Yourovski, greatly enjoyed by all.

Published 23/11/2011

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