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14/11/2011 - Italy - Fr Lorenzelli at the General Assembly of the CISM

(ANS – Florence) – On 11 November, the 51st General Assembly of the Italian Conference of Major Superiors (CISM), which had opened in Florence on Monday 7 concluded. The closing address was given by Fr Alberto Lorenzelli SDB, President of the CISM.

The theme of the Assembly was  “Discussion on the future prospects of the Church in Italy” At the end of the meeting Fr Lorenzelli declared: “Our aim was to open a discussion. That has certainly happened.” Yet, he added, “what really matters is that we feel in no way outsiders to the life of our Church in Italy.”

Referring to what the previous speakers had said, Fr Lorenzelli first of all considered some of the issues which had emerged regarding the current socio-pastoral situation; and then  he suggested some future steps to be taken regarding collaboration between religious institutes and the diocesan church.   

Among the issues were: the need to take up again the subject of education, re-thinking activities and pastoral programmes which do not respond to the needs of the Church and of society; the importance of accepting and understanding the socio-cultural changes of post-modernity; the  value of witness more than teaching; looking with trust go the future in which even though the may be negative aspects, “will see the Gospel message more fleshly renewed.”

Regarding relations with the Church  Fr Lorenzelli said that “the path needs to be taken up again of familiarity, discussion, collaboration and synergy”, showing in community life and then in the world, a model of a life which goes against the current because  “one of love”. In this area, it was observed that while Canonical Rules and Constitutions are certainly useful, “seeking the common good of the Church, love and a sincere desire to be of service, a lively  spirit of friendship and creative dialogue will always be the best help.”

In view of the next General Assembly, the President of the CISM invited those present to begin at local level a reflection on the subject of the New Evangelisation.

Published 14/11/2011 

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