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30/9/2011 - RMG - The Rector Major in mourning
Photo for the article -RMG – THE RECTOR MAJOR IN MOURNING

(ANS – Rome) – Fr Adriano Bregolin, Vicar of the Rector Major, informs the Salesian Family that today, 30 September, Ofelia Margarita Chávez, the elder sister of Fr Pascual Chávez, Rector Major has died. The whole Salesian Family unites around its leader.

Ofelia Margarita Chávez,  73 years of age suffered a stroke and never recovered from it. Married she leaves two children, Alejandra and María Eugenia. She will be in the Casa Funerales “Renacimiento” di Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico.

With the death of Margarita Ofelia, in the space of just three years this is the fifth time Fr Chávez has lost a brother or a sister.

In the name of the Councillors and of the Salesians in the Generalate community  the Vicar of the Rector Major, Fr Adriano Bregolin, immediately expressed condolences at the unexpected loss suffered by our Rector Major, assuring him of  a special remembrance in the prayers of the members of the Congregation and of all the Salesian Family.

F Cleofás Murguía, Provincial of  Mexico-Guadalajara, where Fr Chávez’s family is living, was among the first to call the Salesian Generalate to assure the Rector Major of his own closeness and that of his confreres in the Province.

On the site a web page is available where messages of condolence may be left.

Published 30/09/2011

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