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19/9/2011 - Chile - Communication to the Salesian Family

(ANS – Santiago) – After the occupation of the “Casona San Isidro” by a group of students from the “Cardinal Raúl Silva Henríquez” Catholic University which ended with an agreement favourable to the requests of the occupiers, the Provincial of Chile, Fr Leonardo Santibañez, sent a message about the events to the whole Salesian Family:
Saturday, 17 September 2011

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

I am sorry to have to tell you that at the end of the month-long occupation of the Casona San Isidro by a group of Arts students from our “Cardinal Raúl Silva Henríquez” Catholic University, after an agreement being signed very favourable to the students of that course, I personally discovered that the tabernacle of the chapel had been forced and the hosts kept there had been stolen.

This extremely serious affront to the real presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the consecrated species is a sacrilege, and those who have committed it, if they are Catholics, incur immediate excommunication. But is is also an offence to our character as a Catholic and Salesian University which has always been very respectful towards the beliefs of everyone  and has the right to demand the same respect from all members of the community.

As a Universiy we have always chosen to hold a respectful dialogue with everyone, above all in the face of the various  events which have taken place in recent months, but we have not found an appropriate response to our attitude among the students who committ an act so  offensive to our faith.

It seems to us that someone who is training to become an educator cannot act in this way, showing such little respect for others and offending the feelings of the majority of the Chilean people. We will have recourse to the legal means our University has to impose sanctions on whoever is shown to be responsible.

I invite all the community to reflect and to ask the Lord for respect for the Lord present in the Eucharist and in every person created in His image and likeness.

Santiago, 17 September 2011.

Fr Leonardo Santibáñez M.
Salesian Provincial

(Translation by the Editorial group)

Published 19/09/2011 

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