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15/9/2011 - Spain - The “Salesian Mission” are distributing over 2,000 food rations each day in Ethiopia

(ANS – Madrid) – “The famine in the horn of Africa is not caused solely by the serious drought bur also because of the exorbitant price of food and every other need”, the Salesian missionaries in Jijiga,  Ethiopia explain. They also point out that the situation is becoming insupportable “because if the food does not arrive the people get angry and fighting breaks out.”

In the Ethiopean Somaly Region at present there a four refugees camps: Awbare, Shaber, MelkaDida and Dolo Addo, where over a thousand people arrive each day seeking help. “But the camps are overcrowded and their dreams come to nothing”  the  missionaries say. The campo at Dolo Addo, with over  80,000 refugees is causing the most concern. “Not only because of the lack of food. The camp is one large latrine: bad smells everywhere, flies... hygiene does not exist. Infections, skin diseases are everywhere  and  medical and health resourses are insufficient.”

“A well is a great gift” they explain. “Water is fundamental for survival . At first it was 10 metres down now we have to reach 15 metres to find just a little. You would have to reach 100 metres to satisfy all the people.”

Salesian Missions are providing over 2,000 food rations each day and 10,000 litres of water twice a day. The “Emergency Somaly Region” campaign launched by the Salesian Mission is aimed at helping almost 4 million people living in that area of Ethiopia.

Published 15/09/2011

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