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12/8/2011 - Spain - Young Angolans on the way to Madrid

(ANS – Seville) – After a short stay at the Sanctuary of Fatima, about a hundred young people from Angola arrived in Seville yesterday, 11 August, to join young Spaniards of their own age in a diocesan event which lasts until 15 August.

The group, made up of students from the Catholic University of Luanda and members of the Salesian Youth Movement, reached Portugal on 8 August and went the next day to the Sanctuary of Fatima. With them is Fr Martin Lasarte SDB, Delegate for Youth Ministry in the Mama Muxima vice-Province of Angola.

In an interview with the Ecclesia news agency, the Salesian priest who was born in Uruguay and has been a missionary in Angola since 1995, spoke of the faith and enthusiasm of the group "wanting to broaden their horizons and get to know how other young people face the challenges of the gospel in the world of today".

Blessed with a spell of greater stability and economic growth, Angola will be represented in Madrid by over 500 young people from the provinces of Luanda, Kwanza Sul, Kwanza Norte, Benguela, Uíge, Cabinda e Huambo.

The contingent has been divided into 4 groups: 115 from the Catholic University of Luanda, 156 from the National Office for Youth Ministry, 175 from the Neo-Catechumenate, and 11 from the Mercedes Sisters of Charity. There are also some others who have come on their own initiative.

At the 2008 World Youth Day in Sydney, the Angolan delegation numbered only 50.

In this context "the young people are seeking to play an active part in a more just and fraternal society", said Fr Lasarte. He nourished the hope that in Madrid the young people would find the strength to be "the stimulus for change in their own communities." He explained, "I have included the University students, so that they will learn how to turn their own future and their profession into an instrument for good."

In their suitcases they had brought "the joy and spontaneity which is typical of their culture", remarked Fr Lasarte. They have also brought items of artistic value which they will be presenting during World Youth Day. Among these are traditional dances such as the ‘rebita’, characteristic of the central and northern part of Angola, which will be choreographed with typically African music, costumes and artefacts.

Published 12/8/2011

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