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4/8/2011 - Poland - Totus tuus, the Salesian Family is a Marian Family
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(ANS – Częstochowa) – The Sixth Congress of Mary Help of Christians was officially opened yesterday afternoon, 3 August. Over 1100 participants were welcomed by Don Adriano Bregolin, Bishop Stanisław Nowak, archbishop of Częstochowa, and the Rector Major, in the Father Kordecki hall at the Marian Sanctuary of Jasna Góra. This Salesian Family event is promoted by the Association of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA).

In the hall were representatives of the various groups in the Salesian Family, including Mother Yvonne Reungoat, Superior of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.

In his opening address Don Bregolin, Vicar of the Rector Major and primary animator of the Salesian Family, reminded the assembly that Don Chávez had entrusted the the participants with three areas of involvement at the conclusion of the fifth Congress, held in Mexico City in August 2007: to remind and unflinchingly propose to all the groups of the Salesian Family a cult of Mary  Help of Christians, which is an essential characteristic of Don Bosco’s life and Salesian Spirituality, to promote Marian devotion especially among  youth and young families, and to deepen this Marian devotion, especially in the  light of the apostolic exhortation of Pope Paul VI, Marialis Cultus.

"We are happy to say that involvement in each of these areas  has been undertaken with great devotion and earnestness.  A rich representation in the Congress is one of the signs of the return of the Salesian Family to Mary  Help of Christians, recognized by Don Bosco as the One who gave birth to all his works and the  whole of his great Family."

The Archbishop of Częstochowa, Archbishop Nowak, added his words: "As the local ordinary I must say that we feel closely united with the Salesians and the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. We spare no efforts in working for young people in need. We are proud of their presence. Thanks to your magnificent Family, there is greater light and joy in our diocese."

There followed a time of prayer, in several languages, and the singing of the Magnificat. Girls from the Salesian school in Łodz performed a modern dance and ADMA groups from Italy and Poland led Marian hymns.

Next it was the turn of the Father of the Salesian Family, Don Pascual Chávez Villanueva, who gave the traditional Salesian ‘Goodnight’.

"Devotion to Mary Help of Christians is alive in the Salesian Family according  to the will of Don Bosco himself, who together with the construction of the Basilica of Mary
Help of Christians in Turin, the diffusion of prayer and the founding of congregations and  groups dedicated to her, expressed his knowledge that Mary is the inspiration and support of  Salesian works ", said Don Chávez, giving a brief outline of Don Bosco’s journey of Marian spirituality which bound his life and work firstly to the Consolata, then to Mary Immaculate and finally to Mary Help of Christians, whose presence and support he experienced every more deeply.

Giving a list of groups in the Salesian Family which include this title in their names he explained: "It can therefore be accurately affirmed that the Salesian Family is a Marian Family." The motto of the Congress ‘Totus tuus’ draws attention to the holiness and great Marian devotion of Blessed John Paul II, but it also expresses the childlike entrustment of the Salesian Family to Mary Help of Christians. The Rector Major recalled how Mamma Margaret had reminded John, when he was leaving home for the seminary, of his entrustment to Mary: "When you came into the world, I consecrated you to the Blessed Virgin. When you started  your studies I recommended you the devotion to this our Mother, and now I urge you to be  ‘all her own’. Love those who are devoted to Mary, and if you become a priest one day,  always recommend and propagate devotion to Mary."

In the school of Don Bosco the Salesian Family is called to witness with its life that it belongs to Mary and is committed to be an instrument of peace. "Daily entrustment to Mary characterizes therefore our spirituality. This entrustment  has an upward dynamic: it is the making of a gesture of the gift of self in order to respond generously  to a mission to fulfil; but it has also a descending dynamic: accepting with confidence and  gratitude the help of the one who led Don Bosco and continues to guide the spiritual family  that he originated."
It is possible to follow the congress through streaming video on ; the programme and the texts of the speeches, including the welcoming address of Don Bregolin and the Rector Major’s Goodnight, are available on the ADMA website.

Timetable for Streaming Video

Thursday 4 August 2011
1st part: 9:30 to 13:00 (GMT+2)
2nd part: 16:00 to 19:30 (GMT+2)

Friday 5 August 2011
1st part: 9:30 to 13:00 (GMT+2)
2nd part: 16:00 to 18:30 (GMT+2)

Saturday 6 August 2011
Conclusion: 8:45 to 12:45 (GMT+2)

Published 4/8/2011


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