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22/6/2011 - Brazil - V “ENRESAS” Meeting on social action and salesian identity
(ANS – Brasilia) – Between 17 and 19 June in Brasilia, the V National Meeting of the Salesian Network for Social Action (ENRESAS) was held, attended by about 120 representatives of all the Salesian social works in Brazil. The theme of the meeting was “Re-significance and consolidation of the Salesian Network for Social Action.”

Those attending were able to share their experiences, assess them and look to the future. It was also a suitable  occasion to present 6 works undertaken after the course for educators in social centres  drawn up in different States in Brazil, in collaboration with the Catholic University of Brasilia, in the area of Distance Learning (EAD).

The event was an occasion also for the Network to pursue its main objectives: to create a map of the Salesian presence and its social work in the country; identify more clearly the social work undertaken from the point of view of its qualification; construct, in agreement with the representatives of the Provinces, “models” for social action starting from existing good practice throughout Brazil; to make the Development Office in Brasilia the reference point and the support for those in the Provinces; to increase the involvement of benefactors by greater Salesian commitment; and to improve the formation programmes for educators in the social works.

At present there are 83 social works run by the Salesians of Don Bosco in the 6 Provinces in Brazil. They have about 3,000 professionals who care for over 76,000 persons, especially children, adolescents and young people socially at risk. The activities of the RESAS go from social and educational support to the opportunity for professional qualification, as well as other more complex social care such as assisting and accompanying adolescents engaged in socially useful work.

Published 22/06/2011

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