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21/4/2011 - RMG - A vocational culture: Spirituality Days Box of Tricks
(ANS – Rome) – To remind everyone to live each day according to the challenge “Come and See,” once again this year a box of material has been produced following the Spirituality Days of the Salesian Family.

The result of the now well-established cooperation between the Social Communication Department of the Salesian Congregation, the Team responsible for organising the Salesian Family Days and Missioni Don Bosco Media Centre, the activities of the 2011 Days have been gathered together in a multimedia pack that can be easily consulted.

The box contains two DVD: the first of which has the video-summaries of the Days; 4 accounts of the different ways in which vocational guidance is carried out: by the “Damas Salesianas” in Ecuador, by the “Don Bosco Community of the Mission” in Bologna,  by the Salesian Vocation Team in the Italy Lombardy-Emilia Province (ILE) and by the Salesians in Slovakia (SLK).

Among the other contents are the “Good Night” of Fr Pascual Chávez on 20 January and a talk show about living life as a  vocation in today’s world with contributions from Fr Miguel Canino SDB, a doctoral student in Church History at the Gregorian University in Rom and Sr. Pina del Core FMA, Principal of the “Auxilium” Pontifical Faculty of Education.

The second DVD contains in Italian, English, Spanish and Portuguese most of the talks and other contributions during the 4 Days of Spirituality, using an innovative multimedia platform reproducing the section of the site specially created for the occasion of the 2011 Days. Also available is a large collection of photographs.

All this material is certainly a useful reminder for Salesians and all the members of the Salesian Family of their task of bringing the young together and helping them discover  their own vocation and to encourage further reflection on the message of the Strenna for 2011.

Published 21/04/2011

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