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31/3/2011 - Argentina - The SYM at the Youth Ministry National Assembly
(ANS – Lujan) – At the weekend 25-27 March, at the Villa San José of the Marist Fathers in Lujan, the Argentine Youth Ministry National Assembly took place. 130 people, youth ministry leaders and coordinators from the various regions, dioceses and national movements took part together with the Youth Ministry Executive Committee and members of the Permanent Secretariat.

Three very busy and stimulating days about the projects of identity, formation and spirituality which make up the “Map” of National Youth Ministry. There was also further work on the Regulations for the National Assembly and an exchange of information about what is being done by the dioceses, the movements and the regions.

Information was also provided about the World Youth day (WYD) in Madrid, to be held in August, and on other similar events limited to Latin America, such as the Youth Ministry Congress held in Venezuela in 2010, the National Congress on the Social Teaching of the Church and diocesan meetings and those of the various movements.

As in every year the Salesian Youth Movement had a significant presence at this Youth Ministry event concerning the whole of Argentina. In fact the SYM is part of the executive group for national leadership and coordination; in addition some of the members provide their services for the Permanent Secretariat of San Luis and Quilmes and many take part as leaders or coordinators of the diocesan teams in Bahía Blanca, Tucumán, Rio Gallegos and Laferrere.

Participation in the Church structures in the various dioceses remains a challenge for the Salesian Youth Movement. “We have a great charismatic wealth to share and much to learn from diocesan pastoral practices” one of the leaders pointed out.

Published 31/03/2011

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