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24/3/2011 - Spain - WYD: your help is needed
Photo for the article -SPAIN – WYD: YOUR HELP IS NEEDED
(ANS – Madrid) – The Salesian Family are working together for the World Youth Day (WYD) in various ways. In Madrid all the houses, churches and various centres have been made available to welcome the young people. Many people are working as volunteers to organise everything necessary to accommodate over 6,000 young people coming from the Salesian Youth Movement around the world.

The Provinces and religious communities have decided to devote part of their annual income to cover the organisational costs the event involves. And not only in Madrid and its surroundings but throughout Spain, in the days leading up to the special occasion many young people will be put up in Salesian houses. There is still another problem.

The young people taking part in this event of the whole Church have to cover the costs of the journey. In their own country many are busy raising funds, but many come from countries with few resources and they have to make a great effort to find the funds for the journey.

The facilitate the accommodation of the young people in Salesian houses a special bank account has been opened to collect donations to help cover the costs: food, washing facilities, guidance, logistical expenses...

Any help, great or small will make some contribution to the considerable costs involved. For this reason the Salesian coordinating team is inviting all the Salesian Family for their collaboration in spreading the message to as many people as possible.

The information regarding financial assistance for the young people is as follows:

Bank: Banco Popular 0075 0001 89 0607114196
Heading: Inspectoría Salesiana S. Juan Bosco – Jornada Mundial de la Juventud
Motive: Donativo Acogida JMJ

Published 24/03/2011

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