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25/2/2011 - Costa Rica - CEDES Don Bosco, Formation and Prevention
(ANS – San José) – On Thursday 17 February Dr Bryan Nichols, associate Undersecretary of the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) of the United States in Latin America, visited the Salesian centre CEDES Don Bosco in San José, following up a joint project launched in Concepción de Alajuelita.

Some months ago the United States Embassy in Costa Rica signed an agreement for the technical training and personal development of young people over  14 years of age who attend the CEDES Vocational Training Centre. The purpose of the project is to build up in the young people personal values and habits such as solidarity, team work, self-esteem and honesty as the means to prevent recourse to drug-taking.

On the basis of the agreement, as Dr  Lourdes Brizuela one of the people behind the project explained, the United States Government will make a contribution of 100,000 dollars towards purchasing machines and equipment for workshops for electronics, refrigeration, air conditioning and graphic arts.

During his visit Dr Nichols was able to meet and listen to some of the 230 youngsters, who after giving up school, came to CEDES and are now learning a trade and receiving academic education within the Salesian system of education.

At the end of their studies these young people find work in public and private companies, which need skilled operatives, and in this way they can help their families; in addition, some of them carry on with their  studies. In December  for example, 28 youngsters who had finished the courses entered the job market.

At present CEDES Don Bosco has 2,100 students in formal education and hundreds more young people attending the computer courses – the “Computer Clubhouse” –, sporting activities, youth movements and pastoral groups.

Published 25/02/2011

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