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23/2/2011 - Italy - A jersey for Haiti
Photo for the article -ITALY – A JERSEY FOR HAITI
(ANS – Porto Recanati) – On Saturday 6 February at the Salesian Oratory in Porto Recanati there was a charity auction for the Salesians in Haiti. With the collaboration of the local authorities and of sports champions another stone was added to the reconstruction of Haiti.

Led by Italo Canaletti, the Salesian-Cooperators in the Adriatic area working with the Sports department of the Local Authorities of  Porto Recanati, the local Salesian oratory and the missionary  group in the parish held a fund-raising event “a jersey for Haiti”.

Involved in the project were several Italian Sports Champions who donated the jerseys they had worn in competitions for a charity auction. These included footballers from some of the leading championship teams,  as well as basket-ball players, volley-ball teams, boxers,  skiers, athletes, climbers, horse-riders and cyclists.
On Saturday 6 February the day of the auction, the theatre was packed with all those taking part and 7,000 € was raised. This will be  used to fund a bakery in the Salesian centre at Cape Haitien, in the north of the country.

Before the auction started, the married couple Marina and Paolo Palombi, Salesian-Cooperators from Latina, spoke about their experience of voluntary service in Haiti during the months following the earthquake.

The successful day was the result of the collaboration between civic institutions, the Salesian oratory and the media. The event was publicised making use of the more popular social networks while the Sports Department organised the generous participation of the athletes.

At present the “pearl of the Caribbean” is still coping with the results of the damage caused by the various calamities of 2010: the earthquake , the hurricane Thomas, the cholera and the political instability. The decision of the Electoral  Commission to admit as candidates for the run off on 20 March Marigat and Martelly seems to offer the first signs of hope for a stable government. However, the many other problems remain with many reconstruction funds still blocked and the epidemic of cholera which according to the latest official figures has already caused the deaths of over 4,500 and still affects 230,000 others.

Published 23/02/2011

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