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16/2/2011 - Spain - World Youth Day Cross at San Antonio Abad
(ANS – Valencia) – On Monday 14 February the Pilgrimage Cross of the World Youth Day (WYD) was the focus of the prayers of hundreds of young people gathered in the courtyard of the Salesian School of “San Antonio Abad” in Valencia. Over 1600 students, from the Elementary and the Secondary classes as well as the High School welcomed the Cross during a moving and colourful ceremony. As well as the Cross the Institute also hosted the Icon of the Virgin Mary which always accompanies it.

Together the young people formed a large Cross around it. The about 500 young people and several hundred adults gathered in the church for a special three part liturgy: welcoming the cross; a liturgy of the Word and adoration.

The welcoming ceremony was marked by expressions of joy, strength, commitment peace and hope using coloured posters: orange, red, yellow, blue and green  in the school courtyard and in the church.

Invited to the event were the various schools in Valencia, and taking part in the adoration were also young people from “San Antonio Abad” in Gilet, pupils from the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, of the Servants of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, of the “El Clot” Institute and the “Gran Asociación” School.

“We are very pleased that it has arrived. Everything was prepared with great enthusiasm by the pupils and the pastoral team of the school to whom we express our thanks for all their efforts,” said Fr Fernando Miranda, Delegate for Salesian Youth Ministry in Valencia.

Pope John Paul II, in 1984, gave to the young people the Cross from the Holy Year with the  mandate to take it everywhere and to bring to the whole world his message of hope and encouragement. The young people took this task very seriously and  since then the Cross has been to many many places travelling by coach, truck, ships... but above all carried on the shoulders of the young themselves.

Today, Tuesday 16 February the Cross arrives in Alcoy where the Salesian houses in the city are waiting for it.

Published 16/02/2011

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