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20/1/2011 - RMG - The Spirituality Days of the Salesian Family about to start
(ANS – Rome) – Today 20 January the XXIX in the series of the Spirituality Days of the Salesian Family will begin at the Salesianum in Rome where about 270 people from all the continents and representing the various groups of the Salesian Family are expected to reflect on the Strenna for 2011: “Come and see.” They will close on Sunday.

This year, following the message of the Strenna sent by the Rector Major, the theme will be the Salesian vocation, and the capacity to invite new young people. The reflections will be based on topics in a number of stages: today they will start from the motto “Returning to Don Bosco”; then will follow “Returning to Jesus” and “Returning with Mary”; and the conclusion on Sunday will come with the invitation, the Salesian vocation in fact, “Let us return to the young.”

Today, after Fr Bregolin’s welcome talks will be given by Fr Miguel Canino and Sr. Pina dal Core. Later in the evening the video of the Strenna will be shown followed by the Good Night by Fr Chávez.

Again this year, it will be possible to follow the Days on the internet, on a special section opened for the occasion on the site The pages in 5 languages (Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese and Slovakian) already contain the complete programme of activities, as the Days progress the text of the talks will be available, as well as photographs and a daily  video-summary produced in collaboration between the Social Communication Department and the Don Bosco Media Centre in Turin.

It will also be possible to follow in live streaming, on both the address of Fr Chávez, programmed for 09.30 (GMT+1) on Saturday 22, and the concluding Mass on Sunday  23 at 10.00 (GMT+1), which will also be broadcast by Telepace.

Published 20/01/2011

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