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19/1/2011 - Italy - The education game: sign up, play and win a different kind of sport
(ANS – Rome) – In a world of sport in which fundamental values are being more and more forgotten, the Salesians are proposing a different kind of sporting life, as last week those responsible for youth ministry through the National Centre for Salesian Sport (CNOS Sport) officially launched “The education game.”

This social communication campaign for a  sport which educates supported by the National Italian Olympic Committee (CONI) and the Italian Bishops’ Conference (CEI), will have as its official representative the Manager (CT) of the Italian National Football Team, Cesare Prandelli.
CNOS Sport, which reflects Salesian presence in the world of youth sport, sees “The education game” as both a communication campaign and a practical exercise, with the aim of setting up a net-work of all Italian sporting organisations ecclesiastical and civil, such as associations, multisport groups, oratories, gyms and athletes… which already have a positive model of sport.

The communication campaign will make use of all the major channels of communication: the CNOS Sport site,  contacts in the media, but also social networks such as Facebook.

To join the campaign it is enough to visit the section of the CNOS Sport site dedicated to this initiative and follow the instructions. There are three short steps: sign up, play and win.

“This is not only possible, but fundamental,” Cesare Prandelli, CT of the Italian Football Team declares. “Sport is not the solution to all educational and social problems, but it can help with the transmission of the essential values in sporting  competition and practice: loyalty, self-sacrifice, enjoying being together and mental and physical wellbeing”.
Fr Claudio Belfiore, President of CNOS Sport and author of the book “Sport: a passion for living in a family”, adds: “Sport teaches us that we win together This is even more true in the  education game! This is why we have had the idea for a national social campaign. We hope in particular that many families, and youngsters will benefit from it, if only so as not to feel out of place in a context which seems to have lost its meaning and equilibrium, and to practise sport looking to the future”.
On the site CNOS Sport all the relevant material, programme of events and information about “The Education Game” can be found.

Published 19/01/2011

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