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18/1/2011 - Spain - Salesian magazines and WYD
(ANS – Madrid) – In preparation for World Youth Days which take place between 15 and 21 August in Madrid, the “Salesian Bulletin” and the Youth Ministry magazine “Misión Joven” will devote several pages each month to contribute to the preparations for this important event.

The “Salesian Bulletin” a monthly with a print-run of 70,000 copies, distributed throughout Spain, in the January issue has an article by Fr Rosendo Soler, National Salesian Delegate for Youth Ministry presenting WYD as a “pastoral opportunity” for the whole Salesian Family. The next issue will deal with the participation of the various countries, how to prepare to welcome so many young people and the different ways of collaborating in the WYD... It is also intended to publish three 3 reports on the significance of the WYD, and the before and the after the event.

Misión Joven”, a magazine specialising in youth ministry and often the source for other Spanish language publications will provide a dossier on WYD in each of the ten issues to be published in 2011. Each month there will be a special 8 page section which will present: a description of WYD, a news summary, the values which WYD aims to promote and develop, a biblical, Christological  or ecclesiological catechesis on WYD, a prayer, a timetable of events and the personal accounts of young people taking part. All this material is presented in such a way that it can easily be used in youth groups, in parishes, in schools and youth centres for reflection and as preparation for the special days in August.

Published 18/01/2011

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