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11/1/2011 - Haiti - The Salesian Family remembers the victims of the earthquake
(ANS – Port-au-Prince) – On  the anniversary of the earthquake in Haiti the local Salesian Family will remember the three Salesians who died in the tragedy and at the same time the pupils and teachers  who died in the Ecole Nationale des Arts et Métiers (ENAM).

The Salesians will join in the official programme on 12 January with the Mass to be celebrated in the square near the Cathedral of Port-au-Prince destroyed in the earthquake, at which Cardinal Robert Sarah, President of th Pontifical Council “Cor Unum”, will preside and read the message of the Holy Father.

Afterwards at the “Saint Francis of Sales” Institute of Philosophy  the Salesians led by Fr Sylvain Ducange, Superior of the Vice Province of Haiti, will pay their respects to Atsime Wilfrid and Vilbrun Valsaint, the two young Salesians in formation in their third year of philosophy, who died in the collapse of the Institute at Fleuriot-Tabarre, a district of Port-au-Prince. 

At 15.00, local time  the Salesian Family will gather at the site of ENAM for a commemorative Mass for all the pupils and teachers of the Salesian centre and in other places in the city who died; in addition Brother  Hubert Sanon SDB 85 years of age who died when the Salesian house collapsed will also be remembered.

Published 11/01/2011

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