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13/12/2010 - Guatemala - Latin-American Congress of Past Pupils (CONGRELAT)
(ANS – Guatemala City) – Between 6 and 8 December in the “Don Ambrosio Bartolomé” Vocational Training Centre in Guatemala City the Latin-American Congress of Salesian Past Pupils (CONGRELAT) was held and concluded with the formal opening of a new Vocational Training Centre.

Attended by Past Pupils and Delegates from five Central American countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Guatemala, the meeting began with greetings and a welcome from  Marco Marroquín, President of the Past Pupils of Guatemala, Julio Castellanos, Vice President of the World Confederation of the Association of Past Pupils and Regional Delegate for Latin America and  from Fr José Pastor Ramirez, World Delegate for the Past Pupils.

As well as introducing the Centres of each country,  Mr Castellanos spoke on the subject: “Criteria for assessing the work of the local centres and of the National Federations.” Fr Pastor Ramirez gave two talks: “The Salesian Past-Pupil: a plan of life,” and “The role of the Delegate in the accompaniment of the Don Bosco Past Pupils.”

The Strategic Plan of the School of Animation for the Young Past Pupils (JEX) in the Inter-America Region was examined, and it was agreed to set up a commission to study the plan, so that it can then be presented to the local centres of the Past Pupils in Central America.

The Congress concluded with a solemn Mass at which the new Salesian Archbishop of Guatemala, Mons. Oscar Julio Vián presided. This was followed by the blessing of the Vocational Training Centre which was attended by various dignitaries, governmental, civil, diplomatic, ecclesiastical and also from the business world as well as many pupils and past pupils of the centre. The Superior of the Province of  Central America (CAM), Fr Luis Corral was also in attendance.

The Vocational Training Centre which can accommodate up to  400 studentis was built thanks to the help of local benefactors and will be directed by the Past Pupils. The Salesian community has signed a contract by which for 21 years it cedes the management and administration of the Centre to the Association of the Past Pupils of  Guatemala. Legal responsibility for the Institute is being assumed by the “Fundación Alberto Marvelli” of the Association of Past Pupils of Guatemala.

Published 13/12/2010

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