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18/11/2010 - Italy - Visit of the Rector Major to Macerata
(ANS – Macerata) – Yesterday 17 November on the occasion of the 120th  anniversary of the “Saint Joseph” house in Macerata,  the Rector Major paid a visit for a day a celebration and festivities.

Having arrived in the morning  Fr Chávez received a warm welcome from the children in the school, in the oratory, from Salesian Youth Movement, the Cooperators, Past Pupils, co-workers and friends of the house. The fist stop on his visit was at the Church of Don Bosco, where the community thanked the Lord for the day of festivities and for the opportunity to celebrate such an important anniversary.

Then after a quick visit to the new premises of the Oratory, blessed and opened by the Rector Major, all those present gathered in the theatre for a performance of “The 10 Commandments” by the young people from the Oratory. Fr Chávez thoroughly enjoyed the performance and after congratulating the youngsters he encouraged them to “proclaim Jesus also with song, music and dance.”

In the afternoon the Rector Major met the staff and students of the University and the Rector Magnificus conferred on Fr Chávez the diploma of “visiting professor”. As a Professor Fr Chávez then replied with a “lectio magistralis” on “Don Bosco and his Educational System” which was applauded by all present.

It was at the close of the busy afternoon that the most moving events took place. In the “Lauro Rossi” Theatre  the “Don Bosco” Youth Orchestra in its inaugural performance played three pieces in honour of the Rector Major, while the young people from all the different groups of the centre presnted him with gifts as a sign of affection and thanks for his  visit.

Afterwards it was the turn of the ecclesiastical and civil authorities of the city to express their gratitude. Bishop Claudio Giuliodori of Macerata-Tolentino-Recanati-Cingoli-Treia thanked  Fr Chávez for the educational and pastoral work undertaken through the 120 years of its existence by the Salesian centre. He was followed by the Mayor  Dr Romano Carancini, who recalled so many teachers,. Doctors, professional people, administrators and politicians who had grown up and developed in human and professional terms  at the Salesian centre.

After receiving the warm thanks also of all the Salesians and young people Fr Chávez returned to Rome.

Published 18/11/2010

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