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31/10/2010 - RMG - “Don Rua in history”, the final act
Photo for the article -RMG – “DON RUA IN HISTORY”, THE FINAL ACT
(ANS – Rome) – The final talks at the Congress on Don Rua concentrated on the support he gave to Salesian education with the sole aim: to preserve and to hand on the inheritance received from Don Bosco. The Fr Chávez brought the Congress to a close with an address broadcast live on streaming.

The final afternoon began with Giorgio Chiosso from the University of Turin speaking on the subject ”The role of the Salesians in education between ‘800 and 900” He gave the background to the approach to education at the time of Don Rua, noting the interest in the world of education in the preventive system of the  Salesians. An education not without its shadows Dr Chiosso suggested, but which certainly  constitutes a generous contribution by the Salesian Family to the teaching world.

The subject taken by Fr Josè Mauel Prelezzo, lecturer at the Salesian Pontifical University in Rome was “Don Rua and the Salesian school (1888-1910): the valuable collaboration of Don Cerruti and Don Bertello”. He pointed out that for Don Rua  the Salesian school had to faithfully follow the directives left by Don Bosco. The times required scholastic formation in the technological field, but Don Rua gave preference to the humanities as studied in the Colleges where religious vocations were more abundant. Don Rua gave special attention to the training of the Salesian teachers, always bearing in mind the norms of the Father Founder and the spirit of the first Oratory.

Fr Bruno Bordignon, also from the UPS in Rome, gave the last talk: “The understanding of education in the writings of Don Rua”. He explained that his study had revealed that in Don Rua’s various writings it was not possible to speak of any real innovations in the field of education. Don Rua was most concerned about being faithful to the educational system and to the spirit of Don Bosco, in pursuing the  family tradition received from the Father Founder and which he in turn had to hand on to his sons.

Lucetta Scaraffia from La Sapienza University in Rome and Fr Carlo Nanni, Rector Magnificus of the UPS, led a round table discussion which gathering together the various contributions offered in the course of the three days  of the Congress, opened the way for further reflection on the issues raised.

Fr Chávez closed the Congress with an address broadcast in streaming on, in which the Rector Major of the Salesians recalled how the Congress “Don Rua in history” also marked the end of the centenary year dedicated to the first successor of Don Bosco: a year which was intended in the first place to make Don Rua better known, and through him, a part of the history of the Salesian Congregation.

A year which opened with the first Congress held at Turin-Valdocco exactly a year ago, the Acts of which  –“Don Michael Rua first successor of Don Bosco. Features of his personality,  government and work (1888-1910)” – “help us also to see certain features of his personality and uncommon qualities, his temperament and his virtues. It is possible to compare him to a colourful mosaic which is so harmoniously  composed and irritates no one”.

Referring to certain episodes and events he then described and commented on Don Rua as the “trusted collaborator” and “faithful successor” of Don Bosco.

In conclusion Don Chávez mentioned several points which had emerged from the Congress: the new image of Don Rua; the starting point for a critical study of the historical, social, ecclesial and Salesian period post-Don Bosco and, then in view of the bicentenary of the birth of Don Bosco, a first overview of the development  of his work both through the approach taken by all the Rectors Major, and through the chronological expansion of the Salesian Family.

“As we walk ahead together, Salesians and the Salesian Family, towards the bicentenary of the birth of Don Bosco, Don Rua can, indeed must, become for each one of us a safe guide and a constant model.”

The text and an audio recording of the final address, as well as the talks given during the Congress are available on

Published 31/10/2010

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