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16/9/2010 - Bolivia - Episcopal Ordination of Bishop Bascopé
(ANS – El Alto) – There was a great celebration in the diocese of El Alto, in Bolivia, for the episcopal ordination of two new auxiliary bishops: Fernando Bascopé Müller SDB titular bishop of Naratcata; and Eugenio Scarpellini, titular bishop of Bida.

Presiding at the ceremony in the Al Alto Cathedral on 9 September was the Bishop of the diocese, Bishop Jesús Juárez Párraga SDB. Concelebrating with him were Bishop Francesco Beschi of Bergamo and Archbishop Edmundo Luis Flavio Abastoflor Montero, of La Paz. Also present at the ceremony were almost all the Bishops Bolivia and diocesan and religious priests from various areas of the country. Many of the faithful were also present from all parts of Bolivia and also abroad, some of whom were unable to get into the Cathedral and followed the ceremony from outside.

The liturgy which began at three in the afternoon and lasted almost four hours was  solemn, emotional and very meaningful. The hymns and readings were in the three languages spoken in the diocese of El Alto: Aymara, Quechua and Spanish.

During the homily Bishop s Juárez Párraga expressed his great joy at having been given two collaborators in his ministry as Bishop. He also mentioned several deceased priests and religious and lay people who in their apostolate in the diocese had left deep and lasting impressions of their love and their dedication towards the poor He then mentioned the particular roles assigned to the new Bishops in their pastoral ministry.

This was followed by the rite of ordination with the promise by the two Bishops  of fidelity to the Church and to the Pope, the recitation of the prayer of ordination, the imposition of hands by Bishop Juárez Párraga and by the other Bishops present, the presentation of the Gospels and the characteristic insigna of the Bishop: the ring, the mitre and the pastoral staff. One significant point to be mentioned is that the Bishop’s ring  given to Bascopé Müller, was given by his parents and made from their wedding rings, in the year of the 50th anniversary of their marriage.

At the end of the Mass the new Bishops, beginning with Bishop Bascopé Müller followed by Bishop Scarpellini, expressed their thanks and greeted everyone present. Finally the concelebration  concluded with some words from  the Nuncio Apostolic in Bolivia, Archbishop Giambattista Diquattro and then Bishop Beschi.

Bishop Bascopé Müller and Bishop Scarpellini then walked through the Cathedral blessing those present. Having arrived at the entrance they were then clothed in some  traditional garments, the poncho, the “chulo” (a multicoloured tunic) and given a typical staff, and received the greetings and expressions of respect from all the faithful with dances  and other signs of affection  and best wishes for their future ministry

Published 16/09/2010

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