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16/8/2010 - United States - Summer for the kids, and a growth opportunity
(ANS – San Francisco) – Brian, an American boy, and Esther, a young Spanish volunteer, have spent some weeks of their summer leading two summer camps, “Corpus Christi” in San Francisco and “Savio Camp” in Bellflower, Los Angeles. Two experiences of service, but also personal growth.

Brian Sarracino–Aguilera is a young leader from “Corpus Christi”, San Francisco. This year he took part in the summer camp for the first time; organised fords who are city-bound during summer. The camp, which is really a home, church, school and playground for everyone, enabled him to fully experience the authentic Salesian spirit.

The camp was a home where leaders and campers helped one another, and where the affection of the Salesians and others in charge, says Brian, “was returned tenfold by the campers”; it was a school where everyone learned to go beyond his or her limitations and learned lots of new things in an enjoyable way, like during “Science and discovery” workshops; it was a church, thanks to the opportunities for prayer over the days, from the “good morning talk” to evening prayer; and clearly it was a playground where groups of youngsters starting with the smallest ones, then gradually others, took part in the singing, dancing, sports, theatre, music, outings…

Esther Vaquero, too, the young Spanish girl, who came to the US for a month`s experience as a volunteer, sees her time amongst the young people at “Camp Savio”, Bellflower as unforgettable: “Camp Savio is where teenagers can understand who they really are, get a chance to help the younger ones and show them how to enjoy themselves respectfully and responsibly”.

Esther confesses to being a bit afraid when the first came to the US; but it was the Camp Savio experience which helped her. A happy atmosphere, sharing, games and dialogue quickly helped her communicate with others. Being a leader also helped her to pray more deeply, take part with greater enthusiasm and depth at Mass and other celebrations, “renewing my relationship with God and understanding more profoundly the role he plays in my life”.
Having experienced Salesian spirituality in practice, Esther has now made Juan Carlos Montenegro`s line, oft-repeated, her own. He is the Coordinator of her Parish Youth Ministry “we can make a difference in the lives of these youngsters”.
Pubblicato il 16/08/2010

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