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13/8/2010 - India - National Meeting of Salesian Catechists
(ANS – Nitika) – From 31 July to 2 August fifteen Salesians in charge of catechetics in 8 Indian Provinces, met at Nitika, near Calcutta, for a national seminar on catechetics.

The meeting was coordinated by Don Jayapalan and representatives from several Indian Provinces took part: 2 Salesians from Chennai, 2 from Tiruchy, 1 from Bangalore, 2 from Mumbai, 1 from Goa-Panjim, 3 from Calcutta, 2 from Hyderabad and 2 from Guwahati. In other words, the dimension of evangelisation and catechesis in Salesian Youth Ministry is really important.

The seminar began on the morning of 31 July with a brief welcoming ceremony in which Fr Thomas Ellicherail, Provincial of Calcutta (INC), gave an opening speech based on the letter of the Rector Major on Youth Ministry. Fr I C Jacob, Rector of the Nitika community, welcomed everyone and Fr Jayapalan explained the dynamics of the meeting and outlined the timetable.

Later that day there were reports on catechetical activities in each Province and Fr Wilfred D’Souza invited people to draw out the main themes and points emerging in the reports. The evening session consisted in a short presentation of the National Catechetical Directory by Fr Gilbert Choondal and Fr Jayapalan; this project, nearing completion, is supported by the Catechetics Commission of the Indian Episcopal Conference.

The next day, 1 August, began with Mass led by Fr Ellicherail. The programme for the second day was more intense than the first and very fruitful, with three presentations. Firstly Fr Isaac Gnanapragasam from the Mumbai Province gave a short presentation on the anthropological model of catechesis, with reflections on terminology and conclusive declarations. Next there was a presentation on education in the faith in a multi-religious context, given by Fr Mullick Soroj from Calcutta, followed by long and thorough discussion lasting until the afternoon. Towards the end of the afternoon Fr Barnes Mawrie from Guwahati gave a further report, this time on the Manual for Lay Catechists.

On Monday 2 August the main celebrant at Mass was Fr Joseph Pampadiyil, vice-Provincial. During the morning session debate continued on the Manual for Lay Catechists, ending with various agreed suggestions and a decision to approve the project and carry it forward. After a short break Fr Charles Maria, Regional Delegate for Youth Ministry, described a way to approach research in the different Provinces. A final session of work together preceded the conclusion of the meeting, at mid-day.

Published 13/8/2010

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