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15/7/2010 - Bolivia - Meeting of the Salesian Youth Movement
(ANS – Cochabamba) – Between 4 and 10 July the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) in Bolivia organised in the city of Cochabamba some days of “Formation and Guidance for Young Leaders” (FORJA).

About 126 young people took part, coordinators of the various oratories run by the Salesian Family in Bolivia. It was an experience of faith, with the liturgy, prayer moments, discussions with the Salesians and Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and an opportunity to reflect on the four dimensions of Salesian Youth Ministry.

The mornings were spent by the young people and their guides at the Salesian University while in the afternoons they were at the Fátima Retreat House, where they had various workshops. In the evenings, divided into groups according to regions, they organised and led various activities. On the first evening the east region presented a game connected with the World Football Cup; on the next the uplands region organised various games requiring reflection and logical thinking leading to discussions and debates; the  valley region organised a  “Salesian circus” with games and competitions; the southern region finally gave impressions of some well-known artists and led some group games.

On Friday 9th there was a day of recollection at the Sanctuary of Melga,  40 kilometres from Cochabamba, during which they worked on their personal  “Plan of Life”

In this way after a busy week of formation the young SYM Leaders returned home with new ideas to use in the oratories, parishes, youth groups and schools in which they are involved. On the basis of a plan produced by each region, the experience will be repeated as part of the FORJA programme.

Published 15/07/2010

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