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2/6/2010 - Cile - Harvard Diploma in Education for teachers in Valparaíso
(ANS – Valparaiso) – Three teachers from the Salesian Institute in Valparaíso have profitably attended courses on “direction for understanding” in 2009, which were offered in Chile as part of the “Wide World” program for a degree course in education with Harvard University, United States.

Thursday 20 May Jorge Tubino, Hugo Lagos and Patricia Durán, teachers at the Salesian school, received their diploma at a ceremony at the Hotel Manquehue in Santiago attended by directors,, administrators responsible for many public and private educational institutes who were part of the course.

The course had two levels: at the first level teachers were urged to apply tools and strategies in their own organisations, develop their abilities in directing and carrying out collective research to improve student learning and work dynamics; at the other level they put the educational model into practice and are involved in motivating teachers and students to seek the best academic results.

Those who take part in the course are mainly principals, or rectors or technical leaders, councillors, administrators and school coordinators aiming to put principles of understanding into place on a broader scale. School coordinators are meant to actively support learning amongst teachers and students for whom they are guides, so that there will be a continually updated culture of learning.

During the course there were various tutors and instructors working with the teachers,specialists from the Harvard University program, and finally they were given a certificate for the “Wide World – Harvard University degree Course” program.

Published   02/06/2010

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