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6/4/2010 - Mexico - Slight damage to the house in Mexicali, hit by an earthquake
(ANS – Mexicali) – The earthquake 7.2° on the Richter scale, which on Easter Sunday 4 April, at 15.40 local time, hit the northwest of Mexico caused some damage to the Salesian house of “Saint Francis Xavier” in Mexicali, in the state of Lower California. There were few victims with most of the damage being to the buildings.

Official sources put the number of dead as two and the injured about a hundred. So far there have been over a hundred after-shocks.

The city of Mexicali, on the frontier with the United States suffered considerable structural damage as did other cities in the state such as  Tijuana and Tecate, especially to houses and other buildings and the main roads The Federal Government, through the National Defence Secretariat (SEDENA) has begun putting into action the DN-II Plan, one of the anti-crisis measures in the case of natural disasters.

Damage to the Salesian centre in Mexicali, with a parish and an oratory appears to be restricted to the parish church where several cracks have appeared. While awaiting an expert survey of the damage, Fr Ramón González, the superior, believes that the structure is not in any serious danger, although speedy repairs will be needed.
Fr González has also said that although the earthquake was strong and lasted quite  a long time, neither he not the other Salesian present in the city at the time were in no real danger and are well.

The Salesian centre in Mexicali was founded in 1993.

Published 06/04/2010

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