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23/2/2010 - Dominican Republic - Working for Haiti, a volunteer speaks
(ANS – Barahona) – Manuel Rupérez, a young Spanish volunteer with ‘Jóvenes y Desarrollo’, working for 4 months in the Dominican Republic, offers his own personal experience in the context of the earthquake of 12 January which struck Haiti. A Past Pupil of the Salesian Institute in Atocha, the young man has been working in Barahona, in the Dominican Republic.
“Without any merit of my own, Providence saw to it that my work and my presence were of some use, given that now all eyes are turned to Haiti and we are living at close hand. I say it without boasting since I wasn’t directly involved nor am I working in that country. Certainly without doubt, being close geographically and the friendship between the Salesian community of Barahona and the Salesians in  Port-au-Prince enabled me to witness some events and some solutions.

As a volunteer with ‘Jóvenes y Desarrollo’ I take part in the activities of the local NGO, the ‘Fundación Sur Joven’ which works for the youngsters in the poorest areas of Barahona. We try to encourage the youngsters to be involved socially and pastorally and help with their school work and professional training. I help the personnel to strengthen the formal structure of the organisation and I also help out as a leader in one of the three oratories in the parish.

In everyday work there are enormous difficulties in trying to achieve the objectives indicated in the project. Every day you have to avoid falling into paternalism and re-enforcing a dependence attitude. Everyday you have to encourage participation,  improve self-esteem and find the way to prevent a limited education and shortage of means being an obstacle to the all-round  development of the children and youngsters.
As regards our helping the people of Haiti, I should like to emphasise the great work the Dominican people are doing , which is given little recognition by the international media. The Antilles Province of Santo Domingo, and communities such as La Vega and Barahona, provide constant support for the Salesians in Port-au-Prince.

We have been to various collection points, we have been with the Provincial Delegations in their journeys to Haiti, and we have provided a place for other Salesians wanting to go to Haiti and to return,  to meet and to stay. For all this I am very happy  to be able to share the hard work and also the joys with the four Salesians who make up the Barahona community.
I think about the life I left behind a few months ago in Madrid. My experience as a volunteer in Barahona will have achieved the objectives we set with "Jóvenes y Desarrollo” if, in addition to its being an opportunity for personal growth, it also increases awareness in others around me, and helps give direction to my professional life – and even more –to my  vocation.

I conclude with a brief reflection which is also an invitation to the  hope  which here we feel very strongly. The re-construction of Port-au-Prince will take many years and I am aware that the Salesians in Spain will have a very important role. For many more years we have to maintain the  spirit of solidarity and commitment to the people of Haiti. This cannot be done through mere pity or with a sense of powerlessness. Real compassion, giving life to an effective solidarity needs to have hope as its objective, that which the Risen Lord embodied opening his arms to the world.”

Pubblicato il 23/02/2010

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