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16/2/2010 - Poland - First European Joint Formation Seminar for Salesian Family Delegates
(ANS – Częstochowa) – Between 10 and 14 February at Częstochowa there was the First European Formation Seminar  for SDB-FMA Salesian Family Delegates for  the Salesians-Cooperators and the Past Pupils.
The meeting in which 46 Delegates took part was organised by the Vicar of the Rector Major Fr Adriano Bregolin and the Central Team including the World Delegates of the SDB and FMA for the Past Pupils and the   Salesians-Cooperators. The meeting opened with Mass at which Fr Bregolin presided.

At the end of the first day with the projection of a DVD Fr Bregolin presented the Rector Major’s Good Night  in which with Salesian vivacity he spoke about the experience of the pilgrimage to Santiago di Compostela.
Although the days 11 to  14 February were so busy it did not prevent there being a strong experience of communion and of mutual acceptance of the “wealth of intercultural diversity.”  Italy, North Belgium, South Belgium, France, Spain, Ireland, Portugal were represented by the respective SDB and FMA delegates who shared a common Salesian cheerfulness.
On the Agenda were some basic topics regarding the animation of the Salesian Family: “Presentation of the Apostolic Exhortation “Christifideles laici” (Fr Adriano Bregolin); “Looking again at the Mission Charter” (Sr Maria Trigila); Round Table Discussion on the  Consultative Committee of the Salesian Family (Fr Tommaso De Mitri, Fr José Pastor, Fr Stjepan Bolkovac); “Accompaniment according to and towards the Salesian charism” (Fr Maria Luisa Miranda); “Accompaniment in the Spirit” (Sr Conchita Santos).

During the “Good Nights” accounts were given of the wealth of experiences in the Provinces of North Belgium ( Sr. Gilberta Denorme) and the Salesians-Cooperators in Southern Belgium (Sr. Marie Louse Bernard). On the final evening using some striking images, Sr. Maritza Ortiz, presented the tragic situation following the earthquake in Haiti of the FMA and SDB houses.
During a “Good Night” via telephone the Rector Major in Haiti, with a fatherly and caring heart gave his impressions of what he had found and touched at first hand  of the  consequences of the terrible earthquake.

The final moment of this experience of the discussion and study of the Salesian charism was the concelebrated Mass at the altar where the icon of the Black Madonna of Częstochowa is venerated.  The Mass at which Fr Adriano Bregolin presided and the whole assembly participated renewed in everyone the desire to “do what He tells you” as in the gospel account of the wedding feast at Cana, and through Mary to offer “to Jesus our water to be changed into the wine of Salesian celebration, in apostolic service with humilty and love”.

At the end of the Seminar in an assembly those taking part proposed the suggested lines for the future to be presented to the Rector Major, the Father and centre of unity of the Salesian Family.

Published 16/02/2010

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