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15/2/2010 - Chile - Blessing of a bas-relief of the Salesian Family in the Provincial House
(ANS – Santiago) – In the presence of the leaders of the various groups in the Salesian Family, on Sunday 31 January, Archbishop Ricardo Ezzati of Concepción, blessed a bas-relief placed at the entrance of the Provincial House in Santiago.

Created by the Salesian Past Pupil Daniel Muñoz and commissioned always 20 years ago by the Provincial of the time  Fr Alfredo Videla, it shows Don Bosco, followed by Dominic Savio, in the act of welcoming a needy child.

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Salesian Congregation, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) contacted the artist and as a gift on such an important anniversary commissioned him to create a second part of the work in which one can admire Mother Mary Mazzarello, Laura Vicuña and two little girls.

Mr Muñoz recreated the work himself which now occupies the whole side of the room. During the blessing ceremony, Fr Vicente Soccorso, Rector of the Provincial House  and Vice Provincial pointed out how at first an important part of the work was missing, and only now did it really represent the Salesian Family. In this way the bas-relief completes the celebration of the anniversary of the founding of the Congregation, during which the Rector Major had often insisted on the idea of a vast movement of people engaged in the salvation of the young especially those in most need.

After the blessing, Archbishop Ezzati invited those present to reflect on the fact that at the centre of the work were children and young people in need, surrounded by the saints John Bosco and Mary Mazzarello, and both of them accompanied by others formed in the same charism, Dominic Savio and Laura Vicuña.

All the groups represented: the Provincial Councils of the Salesian and the FMA, the Salesians-Cooperators, the Association of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA), Past Pupils, Volunteers of Don Bosco and Hogares Don Bosco, concluded the ceremony praying together to Mary Help of Christians, using the prayer written by Fr Egidio Viganò which can be found at the end of the “Common Identity Card” of the Salesian Family.

Published 15/02/2010

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