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11/2/2010 - Poland - Formation Seminar for the Delegates for the Salesian Family
(ANS – Czestchowa) – With this meeting at Czestchowa a series of continental formation meetings for the Salesian (SDB) and the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) Delegates for the Salesian Family has just begun. It is an oppoportunity to meet and discuss together the latest pastoral guideliunes for some groups of the Salesian Family.

Between 10 and 14 February over 50 Delegates are meeting at Czestchowa. Among those taking part are Fr Adriano Bregolin, Vicar of the Major, who opened the meeting yesterday and will conclude it on Sunday, and Sr Maria Luisa Miranda, FMA Genral Councillor for the Salesian Family.

The aim of the meeting is to examine the activities currently undertaken by the Delegatws with particular reference to personal relationships.

Other issues to be considered with be the role of the Delegate as someone“sent,” the charismatic mentality of the Salesian Family and itz relationship with official Salesian teaching. At the end of the Meeting a commission of Delegates will draw up some proposals for the future to be presented to the Successor of Don Bosco, Fr Pascual Chávez Villanueva.

On Friday 12 February the Delegates will visit the Auschwitz concentration camp.

This is the first in the series of continental meetings for the Delegates for the Salesian Family which will continue until the end of 2011: in Thailand (September 2010), Brazil (October 2010), Ecuador (November 2010), Ethiopia (September 2011), Austria (October 2011) India (November 2011).

Published 11/02/2010

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