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9/2/2010 - The Philippines - Pilgrimage of Trust in Asia at the Don Bosco Technical Institute
(ANS – Manila) – On 7 February with a Mass at which Cardinal  Gaudencio Borbon Rosales, archbishop of Manila presided the pilgrimage of Trust promoted by the  Taizé Community in Asia concluded. Over 3,500 young people, for the  most part from Asia, were in Manila between 3 and 7 February to take part in the Pilgrimage which was based at the Don Bosco Technical Institute in Manila Makati.

Although most were from the Philippines, there were also 500 young  people from  other Asian countries and 200 from Europe and from America. There were also some Muslims from Mindanao, whom had come to pray together.
During the Pilgrimage the non-Philippine young people were hosted by families around the country; on the final days by those in Manila. The Salesian parish also took part and offered accommodation to several Salesian students from East Timor.

The Prior of Taizé, Brother Alois, together with other Brothers from his Community were guests at the Don Bosco Technical Institute. Throughout the world there are about one hundred Taizé Brothers, and a good number of them were in Manila for this event.

Many Salesians also took part in the activities: about 80 professed, as well as over 50 aspirants, prenovices and young Salesians in formation. The Youth Ministry Delegate of the “St John Bosco” Province of North Philippines (FIN), Bro Raymond Callo was one of the members of the organising committee for the Pilgrimage. In fact, the formation house suspended activities for a week  to welcome the young pilgrims and to pray with them.

In an interview given in the courtyard of the Don Bosco Technical Institute Brother Alois said he knew a number of Salesians in various parts of the world and hoped to meet the Rector Major during a visit to Rome in March. Recently, he said, he had been invited by two Salesian Bishops in Europe. Brotherl Alois also remembered a visit he had made to Haiti some years before with the founder of the Taizé community, Brother Roger, during which he had also been to the “Cité Soleil” and the Salesian parish.

During the event, Brother Alois celebrated the Feast of Don Bosco at the Don Bosco Technical Institute with the Youth Ministry and preparatory teams. He said he had been profoundly impressed by how much the students felt the love Don Bosco had for them. To the question what he thought about the “Project for Europe,” being promoted by the Salesian Congregation, Brother Alois  commented that in the old continent the young seemed “lost” in their pursuit of meaning and that marginalised young people needed a Salesian education.

Published 09/02/2010

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