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4/2/2010 - Spain - XVIII Salesian “EDEBÉ” Award
Photo for the article -SPAIN – XVIII SALESIAN “EDEBÉ” AWARD
(ANS – Barcelona) – Rodrigo Muñoz Avia (born in Madrid in 1967), with the work “Mi hermano el genio”, and Maite Carranza (born in Barcelona in 1958), with “Palabras emponzoñadas”, were the winners of the XVIII Salesian “EDEBÉ 2010” Award  for  Literature, respectively in the categories “children” and “youth.”
The two winning books deal directly with the experience, sometimes very hard of children and teenagers.
The idea that “the world is divided into two kinds of people: the geniuses and all the rest” is a what opens the story by Muñoz Avia. The little girl protagonist, mad about football, does not compete against the undisputed champions whom excel like her brother a  virtuoso pianist. She tries to play the violin, as she is forced to by her parents, but she dreams about her team and its matches. Her tenacity and her stubbornness, however, open her parents’ eyes and change the life of her brother.

Maite Carranza, on the other hand, had, for a long time, felt the need to write a story about ill-treatment in general and wanted to write about lies, secrets, deception and false appearances in society.

“Palabras emponzoñadas” is a terrifying story and a very effective denunciation of child sexual abuse. The devastating  consequences and the invisibility which often surrounds it cannot go unpunished. A disturbing thriller, with enormous force in the telling of a chilling  reality.

For this XVIII in the series of the  EDEBÉ Award, for which the total budget was 55,000 euros (30,000 euros for the “youth”  category and 25.000 euros for that for “children”), 260 original works were submitted, of which 157 for the “childrens” category and 103 for that for “youth.” Of the works, 57 were written in Catalan, 180 in Castiglian, 8 in the Basque language and 15 in Galizian. The increase in the number of works in Castiglian coming from the United States or other countries in Latin America is worth noting

The two winning books will be published in all the four official languages of the country, and thanks to an agreement with the National Spanish Organisation for the Blind also in braille. They will appear in bookshops in March.
Published 04/02/2010

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