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17/12/2009 - Poland - Second in the series of the “MIR” Awards
(ANS - Krakow) – On Saturday 12 December Fr Marek Chrzan, Superior of the “Saint Hyacinth” Province of Krakow (PLS), presented the “MIR” Award to Fr Józef Hołyński for his long meritorious  life dedicated to pastoral work with the young and with adults.

The presentation took place in the course of a meeting of Rectors of Salesian houses in the Province held at the Salesian theologate in Krakow. During the day the Rectors had shared the experiences in their own houses and considered topics and challenges concerning the Salesian works in the Province and the needs of the young people entrusted to them.

The “Mir” Award, now in its second year, was instituted last year on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the PLS Province to be given to a Salesian who had distinguished himself by his work and way of life. The award – a small statue of Don Bosco,  was designed and made by Fr Robert and Fr Leszek Kruczek, two Salesian twins who have produced several works of art.

Fr Hołyński, born on 8 March 1918 in Tyśmienica in the Ukraine, made his novitiate and was professed in Czerwińsk on 2 August 1938. After completing his studies he was ordained priest 11 June 1944. In 1959 he was sent to Przemyśl where he has continued to work tirelessly for fifty years.

Fr Chrzan presided at Mass and in his homily recalled the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Salesian Congregation, and also awarded some scholarships to young people in the Province.

Published 17/09/2009

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