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17/11/2009 - Spain–Unicef Award for the Don Bosco Centre in Goma-Ngangi
(ANS – Madrid) – The Spanish Committee of Unicef was granted the Don Bosco Centre in Goma – Ngangi, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the International Award “Children First.” The recognition presented on 13 November at Caixaforum in Madrid, rewards the work on behalf of children and needy youngsters in the region of northern Kivu.

In the middle of wars, violence and poverty, the Don Bosco Centre welcomed, educated,  cared for and  supported  over 26,000 children. Directed by Fr Mario Pérez, the centre has 20 teachers,  100 assistants, 5 Salesians and 8 volunteers who take care of 500 children for whom they provide accommodation and 3000 who each day are taught and given food.

The Director of the Centre has acknowledged the award and thanked the Committee “for having thought about the forgotten children in this part of  Africa.” According to Fr Pérez “it is one way of making the cry of so many young people who are suffering heard and of changing the cry of suffering into a shout of hope and life.”

The Ngangi Don Bosco centre was founded in 1988 to provide sporting and extra curricular activities for the youngsters in the district. But the poverty resulting in 80% of the children not going to school made it necessary to change its aims and therefore it was changed into a school. Shortly afterwards inter-tribal hostilities and the war in Ruanda broke out and the school was adapted and became  a reception and refugee centre for many youngsters.

The International Unicef Award is in “recognition of the many people engaged in helping children and working for the future of humanity” Fr Pérez says. The award will also be an encouragement to renew their enthusiasm “to continue to fight so that it may be possible to see the human rights of all the children  recognised and respected” he added.
Each year the Spanish Committee of Unicef recognises the social and humanitarian work of some of the organisations and institutions which collaborate in a significant way to the defence of children’s rights giving awards at national and international level.

Published 17/11/2009

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