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30/7/2009 - Congo - The Don Bosco Centre in Ngangi awarded by UNICEF
(ANS - Goma) – The Spanish committe of UNICEF has awarded the Don Bosco Centre in Goma-Ngangi, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with an international award known as “Los niños Primero” (Children first).

This recognition is for the work that Salesians, with the support of volunteers from Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo (VIS), are carrying out on behalf of the most disadvantaged children and older youth in the northern Kivu region.

The Spanish UNICEF website cites as reasons for the award: “Amidst war, violence and poverty, this Centre has taken in, educated and looked after and fed some 26,000 youngsters. Directed by Fr Mario Pérez, the Centre has 20 teachers, 100 close collaborators, five Salesians and eight Volunteers to assist 500 youngsters who live in at the Centre and to provide around 3,000 others with schooling and food each day.

Fr Mario Pérez, the director of Don Bosco Centre in Goma-Ngangi, responded by thanking them  “for having thought about the forgotten children in this part of Africa”. The award, according to Fr Pérez, “is a way of letting the cry of so many suffering children be heard and of doing everything possible so that their cry of suffering can be turned into a cry of happiness and hope for life”. There is no doubt that it means “recognition for the many people involved on behalf of children today, for the future of humanity”. It is a reward that contributes to a renewal of enthusiasm “to continue the struggle until all children are recognised and can experience their rights as human beings”.

The Spanish Committee for UNICEF annually recognises social and human intervention by individuals, organisations and institutions which work together significantly in defence of children`s rights and gives various awards to national and international bodies.

The award ceremony will take place in Madrid at the CaixaForum on 13th  November.

Published  30/07/2009

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