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15/7/2009 - Italy - Sport with a human face and a new National Association
(ANS – Pacognano) – On 13 July in the course of a meeting of the Italian Salesian Provincials Conference (CISI), taking place at Pacognano di Vico Equense between 10 and 13 July, the Superiors of the 6 Italian Provinces signed an agreement setting up a new National Sports Association.

A year after their contacts with PGS finished, the Salesians are once again officially becoming involved in the world of sport.

“It will be a simple structure markedly educational,” said Fr Claudio Belfiore, responsible at National level for the new organisation. “On the pitches and in the gyms of Salesian oratories athletes have developed in all disciplines and especially become champions in life. Like Don Bosco we want to contact youngsters on their own ground; this is why we have started this new National Association: CNOS Sport”.

There are two aims which the Salesians in Italy set themselves with “CNOS Sport”: to coordinate the pastoral work through sport in Salesian centres and to promote the educational values of sport.

The Salesian Provincials are convinced that recovering the educational values of  sport will be a firm response to the educational emergency, a way of accompanying the young offering them a constructive approach to the problems which nowadays are a feature of the worlds of  sport and of the young such as deviant behaviour, boredom and bullying.”

 “CNOS Sport” can count on a net-work of over 250 oratories and youth  centres around the country, mainly located on the outskirts and in areas of social deprivation.

Published 15/07/2009

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