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24/6/2009 - RMG - 2010: Remembering Don Rua”
Photo for the article -RMG – 2010: REMEMBERING DON RUA”
(ANS - Rome) – In a short letter addressed to all Salesians, the Rector Major Fr Pascual Chávez officially announces the celebration of the centenary of the death of the first successor of Don Bosco, Blessed Don Michael Rua.
The commemorative year will begin on 31 January 2010 and conclude on the same day  in 2011, the day on which with the death of Don Bosco in 1888 “Don Rua took the tiller, to continue the journey on which the Founder had embarked.”

As Fr Chávez points out, for the Salesians 2010 will be “a continuation of this present jubilee year; it will help us to bring to fuller maturity our consecrated Salesian vocation.”

The Rector Major indicates for the Salesians three “focal points” to be borne in mind for spiritual and pastoral planning for the coming year, at personal, community and Province level. promising to develop them further in a future letter.

Don Rua, “the faithful disciple of Jesus in the footsteps of Don Bosco,” is for each Salesian the model in order to “preserve fidelity to the vocation of consecration,” a fidelity which needs nourishing by drawing “deeply from the wells of the life of the disciple and of the apostle, from the fountains of fidelity to our vocation: Sacred Scripture, through “lectio divina” and the Eucharist.”

The second “point” indicated by Fr Chávez is inspired by the commitment Don Rua assumed: “In Mirabello I shall try to be Don Bosco.” The Salesian Religious Constitutions, whose importance and spirit need to be rediscovered,  are the point of reference in order to be  Don Bosco today, the role being asked of every Salesian.

The last point starts from the passion which the first successor of Don Bosco had for “Da mihi animas”. “The mission called him to respond to the needs of the young  and to find pastoral ways suited to reaching them with the proclamation of the gospel,” the Rector Major says inviting Salesians to take up the commitment to the evangelisation of the young as the last 26th General Chapter  requested  and according to the Strenna for 2010.

The celebration of the first centenary of the death of Don Rua - the Rector Major points out in his short letter – ought to help Salesians to be “ conscious of the historical situation, that from the death of Don Bosco until our own days, the Congregation has had a great and significant development, taking steps forward, having second thoughts, making fresh starts, reflecting deeply. The identity of the Congregation can be understood better, in fact, through its history, knowing the forms and expressions it has assumed at different times and in different places.”

Published 24/06/2009

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