RMG – Discerning the signs of the times and responding with urgency to the needs |
RMG – Preparing for the Meeting of the Provincials of Europe |
In his homily Cardinal Ruini reminded the Salesians of the need that Europe had for Christians, priests, religious, and above all for evangelisers able to bring hope. “There is a need for evangelisers of the young and of the culture of Europe,” the Cardinal said, a hope that ought to arise directly from the continent itself, together with the re-launching of a movement for vocations.
At the Salesianum the work was introduced by Fr Pier Fausto Frisoli, Councillor for the Italy-Middle East Region, who recalled that the meeting was a direct implementation of one of the lines for action indicated by the 26th General Chapter. After this the Rector Major gave a talk, the fruit of the contributions of the General Council and of the Provincials, arranged in two parts: the first with the results of the enquiry made among the Provincials of Europe, the second with some guidelines regarding the “Project for Europe.”
The prophet Elijah was the biblical icon that Fr Chávez used to express what Salesian Europe is being called to do especially during these days in Rome.
In synthesis, the Rector Major presented the contributions sent in by the Provincials who replying to five specific questions expressed their own reflections, the tasks, the priority strategies, the forms of collaboration and the suggestions regarding those to accept responsibility and the coordination of the “Project for Europe.” There were many ideas, suggestion, proposals for the re-launching of the Salesian charism in the Old Continent.
“Rethinking Salesian presence in Europe,” the Rector Major observed in the second part of his address, “presupposes above all else, a sincere and deep personal conversion of the confreres which will need to be accompanied by a no less courageous and organised transformation of the Salesian presence.” To achieve this the IX successor of Don Bosco suggested three strategic options.
The first is the “endogenous” revitalisation of the Salesian presence and above all of the Salesian returning to spending time and exercising a presence among the young, investing in a European formation of the young Salesian and being committed to spreading the Salesian charism among lay people and co-workers.
The second option is the re-location and the restructuring of Salesian presences. “This reorganisation ought to follow common guidelines and homogenous criteria which, while, allowing for adaptation to particular national or provincial situations, promote renewal and the creation of works in which are guaranteed Salesian identity, social visibility, educational and evangelising effectiveness, and the promotion of a vocational culture.”. There are three criteria for this: opting for an increase in charismatic quality and social visibility, investing in schools and especially in vocational training and quickly re-organising the map of Salesian presence in Europe.
Finally the third option is to consider Europe missionary territory. “This project will obviously demand structural changes in the communities of the Old Continent.” “In reality the PE is a totally new project. Rather than a splendid missionary programme, as “Project Africa” may have been, the PE is a spiritual enterprise without equal; it is not a question of evangelisation ad gentes, as for example in Asia or in Africa, nor of the consolidation of an evangelisation already carried out, as for example in Latin America; in Europe what is at stake is the spiritual and cultural recovery of a continent now non-Christian or post-Christian. From this the following decisions come.” These which must guide Salesian missionaries who come to Europe are three: being at the service of Salesian spirituality, provided with a strong formation and welcomed by open and understanding communities.
In concluding the Rector Major gave to all those present a very precise scheme of work on which the groups would concentrate in their meetings.
Published 28/11/2008