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1/11/2008 - Italy - Total success for the “Saints’ Race”
(ANS – Rome) – Highly successful the first “Saints’ Race,” professional and amateur run held this morning in Rome coinciding with the Solemnity of All Saints.

The event organised by Prime Time Promotions, with the involvement also of the “Don Bosco in the World Foundation.” In fact the race opened a solidarity campaign which in these days will collect funds for the “Mamma Margaret Centre” in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Over 2,500 professional athletes took part in the full race. The course snaked through the streets of the historical centre passing the main Roman Basilicas: Saint John Lateran, Saint Paul’s outside the Walls and  Saint Mary Major.

Starting the race in Piazza Pius XII was the Mayor of Rome, the Hon. Gianni Alemanno. Beside him  Fr Pascual Chávez, Rector Major of the Salesians and Fr Filiberto Gonzalez, Councillor for Social Communication. Then the Mayor himself took part in the non-competitive race with about a thousand other people over a 4 and  a half km course. This was started by the Deputy Mayor of Rome, the Hon. Mauro Cutrufo.

Among those taking part was a group from the Salesian Youth Centre Oratory of Foggia.

The first three to finish in the men’s competitive race were: 1) Meucci Daniele, Italian champion over 10,500 metres in 2007, 2) Matthew Rugut, from Kenya, 3) Erustus Chirchir, a 5,000 metres specialist; in the women’s race: 1) Incerti Anna, Italian Champion in the Half Marathon in Udine in 2007, 2) Sicari Vincenza, member of the army marathon team, winner of the “Turin Marathon ‘08” and competitor at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, and  3) La Barbera Anna, also from the Italian army team.

The winners received their awards from the Mayor of Rome,  from the  Rector Major, from Fr Orlando Dalle Pezze, President of the Don Bosco in the World Foundation and from Colonel Sestili, Commandant of the Military Sports Groups of the Italian Combined Forces.

After the award ceremony  the  athletes and the organisers went to St Peter’s  Square for the Angelus. At the end of his message the Holy Father greeted them. “I address a special greeting to the Italian speaking pilgrims and in particular to the thousands of people from all parts of Italy who have taken part in the first ‘Saints’ Race’, promoted by the Salesian Congregation, and who are here with the Mayor of Rome, Gianni Alemanno. Dear friends, you started from St Peter’s and have returned here, passing by Saint John Lateran, Saint Paul outside the Walls  and Saint Mary Major. I am pleased with this new event, an expression of the joy and also of the effort of ‘running’ together along the path of holiness. May our whole life be a ‘race’ in the faith and in love, inspired by the example of the great witnesses to the Gospel! A Happy Feast of All Saints to everyone!”

The event and the solidarity campaign have been given televison coverage by the  Mediaset Group.

Published 01/11/2008

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