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10/10/2008 - Hungary - A Vocational Training School for Gypsy youngsters
(ANS – Kazincbarcika) – Yesterday 9 October, in the presence of various civil and religious authorities, Fr Adriano Bregolin, Vicar of the Rector Major, blessed the new premises of the Don Bosco Vocational Training School in Kazincbarcika for Gypsy youngsters

For a number of years the Sons of  Don Bosco in Hungary have been involved with the Gypsy youngsters and it was decided to provide them with e vocational training school that was made possible thanks to the contributions of many benefactors and to the efforts of Fr József Havasi, the outgoing Provincial who took a personal interest in the work which took less than  a year.

In the new school the youngsters will be able to take courses in printing, and later also in shoe-making, plumbing brick-laying and hair-dressing.

In speaking to the students of the new school, Fr Bregolin reminded them that as well as having a head and a heart “we also have hands, and thanks to them we can become upright citizens and good Christians.”

As he finished his term in office Fr Havasi took the opportunity to thank all those who had helped with the building of the school, and also encouraged the teachers to carry out their work “in the steps of our Founder Don Bosco.”

At the end of the celebration some of the youngsters from the new school performed dances, songs and recitations typical of the Gypsy folklore.

Published 10/10/2008

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