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6/10/2008 - Spain - IV European Assembly of SYM
Photo for the article -SPAIN - IV EUROPEAN ASSEMBLY OF SYM
(ANS – Coruña) - The IV Assembly of the Salesian Youth Movement  (SYM) in Europe and the Middle East took place  between 3 and 5 October in the city of Coruña, in the  “Saint James the Great” Province  of  León, Spain (SLE). There were 37 representatives from Spain, France, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Portugal, Czech Republic and England.

The purpose of this annual meeting organised by the Youth Ministry Department was to prepare for the next SYM European Gathering to be held in August 2009 which will take those attending to the places especially associated with the beginnings of Don Bosco’s work.

Those at the Assembly also had the opportunity to visit Santiago di Compostela, the goal of a great many pilgrims from all parts of Europe. In addition to attending Mass in the cathedral the SYM European representatives also visited the “Don Bosco” Youth Centre.

Published 06/10/2008

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