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19/9/2008 - Hungary - Heartfelt farewell for Fr József Havasi
(ANS – Budapest) - The Salesian Family in Hungary organised a farewell for the outgoing Provincial, Fr. József Havasi. There were nearly a 100 guests invited for this auspicious event that was held on a river-boat, the "Gróf Széchenyi," on the river Danube.

The event was meant to be a surprise for Fr. Havasi, but he began to get wind of something happening, and the cat was really let out of the bag when a stray phone call about the details of the event was answered by himself. Being the good and loving father that he is he successfully played the role of being surprised.

The Vice-Provincial, Rev. Fr. Abraham Béla, as toastmaster, drew on the metaphor of a ship to express gratitude to Fr. Havasi for his 18 years of service as Provincial. His tenure was strongly marked by the fall of Soviet communism in Hungary. Fr. Havasi, in his response, spoke of his dream and vision for Salesian Hungary. At the same time he thanked those Salesians who without hesitation returned to the congregation, and the lay members who were a constant pillar of support and encouragement in his endeavour to re-build an environment of education and growth.

Published 19/09/2008

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