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4/9/2008 - Colombia - 70 years at the service of Medellín
(ANS – Medellín) – In the month of August, there were some celebrations commemorating the 70th anniversary of  “El Sufragio” Salesian Institute in the “San Luigi Bertrando” Province of Medellín (COM); among these were an exhibition “ExpoBosco 2008”.

There were 22 scientific, artistic and photographic displays on show, 29 conferences and a philosphy symposium as part of the  programme for this event intended to commemorate the seven decades of Salesian presence in this central area of the city of Medellín. A good number of visitors came to the exhibition.

Other events marking the 70th annversary were the “Copa 70 años”, a sporting event in which other Salesian Institutes took part: Ciudad Don Bosco, Liceo Salazar y Herrera, Pedro Justo Berrío, Instituto Educativo Gilberto Alzate Avendaño, Institución Educativa Pedregal. Among the sports on the programme were indoor football, basketball, volleyball and chess.

The 15 August was a special day involving the students of “El Sufragio” Institute in the celebrations, particularly with Mass and afterwards with some cultural and sporting events.

Published 04/09/2008


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