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24/4/2008 - RMG - New Provincials Appointed
Photo for the article -RMG – NEW PROVINCIALS APPOINTED
(ANS – Rome) – The appointment of two new Provincials for the six year period 2008-2014 has been announced in these days.

On 16 April the Rector Major with the approval of his Council appointed Fr Albert Van Hecke Superior of the “Saint King Stephan ”Province of Hungary (UNG). Fr Van Hecke, former Provincial of North Belgium 1990-1996, recently completed his term of office as Councillor for the North Europe Region. Born on 1 September 1941 at Sleidinge (Oost-Vlaanderen) in Belgium, Fr Van Hecke was ordained priest on 12 September 1970 at Oud-Heverlee where he had studied theology.

Fr Lauro Takaki Shinohara, is the new Provincial of the Salesians in the Brazil Campo Grande Province  (BCG), which includes the regions of southern and western Mato Grosso in the State of San Paolo. Fr Takaki, appointed on 10 January will take over on 20 May. Born on 17 March 1948 at Buriti, in the State of San Paolo, he was ordained priest on 15 December 1979. His pastoral responsibilities after that have included  being Rector in a number of communities, Director of Novices and a Provincial Councillor. Fr Takaki, who before his appointment was Vice Provincial took part in the GC26 as a Delegate.

Published 24/04/2008

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