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4/4/2008 - Mali - Salesian missionary dies in accident
(ANS – Bamako) – On the 29th of March, in a shocking road accident, Josep Maria Timoneda Perarnau, a Salesian missionary lost his life while returning to Bamako with other missionaries.

About 200 km from Bamako, in the region of Ségou and Tana, following a puncture in a wheel, the car carried on and overturned. Don Timoneda, who was asleep at the back of the car was thrown from the car, dying on impact; the other Salesians returned with only a few wounds.

Don Timoneda, 44, affectionately called “Tim”, was born at Bellpuig, in Catalonia, Spain, in 1963. He was professed as a Salesian in 1982 at Terrassa and was ordained priest in 1994. In 1998 he left Barcelona (SMA), his Province of origin, to go as a missionary to the Ivory Coast where he worked for 8 years before taking on the Provincial office for Development. From 2007 he was Economer of the Salesian House of Bamako.

The funeral, which takes place today in the Parish of San Nicolás in his city of birth, Bellpuig, will be presided over by Mons. Jaume Traserra, Bishop of Solsona. Also present will be Don Joan Codina, Salesian Provincial of Barcelona and Don  Manuel Jiménez, superior of the Visitatoria of French-speaking West Africa, who will be leaving from Rome where he is attending the 26th General Chapter.

Published 04/04/2008

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