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25/2/2008 - Hungary - Blessing of foundation stone for the technical school for gypsies
(ANS – Kazincbarcika) – On Tuesday 19th February, in the Don Bosco Technical School at Kazincbarcika, the foundation stone for the new building was blessed in the presence of civic and Church leaders.

The need for a new building is due to the increasing number of pupils coming from the gypsy community who over the past two years have settled in the city, and for the need to bring the school buildings together on one site. This new development has been made possible thanks to the intervention of the Rector Major and to a number of other sources.

The new building will house the printing press and workshops for a variety of other trades. The Provincial and the town mayor, who took part in the laying of the foundation stone, could foresee that the school will become a centre of technical training for the north-east region of Hungary and will provide work for the Romany-gypsies who are often on the fringe of society. Moreover, the Provincial expressed his gratitude to all those who are helping to bring this project to completion, emphasising that it will help to bring the spirit of Don Bosco to a place where it is really needed.

Published 25/02/2008


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